Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thing's I'm Loving | The Top 10 [7.21 - 7.27]

Here's what I'm loving lately! What about you??
1. Tide Vivid White & Bright Detergent
2. Nature Valley Granola
3. Coupons
4. Cranberry Coast Dried Cranberries
5. Chocolate Milk
6. Baby Kicks!
7. My cell phone cover

8. Skirts
9. Cantaloupe
10. Nectarines/Plums
*Bonus:  Jay-Z's Tom Ford
Happy bumping!
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  1. I miss tiny baby kicks in the belly. My youngest is 2 years old and my baby days are over.

    1. Aww! I'm just getting used to the kicks, or rather jabs and rolls that baby does. I'm sure I'll miss it too once baby is born, but for now I'm really enjoying it. Your little one is so precious (from your pic) I know it's all worth it in the end!


  2. Ooh chill chocolate milk and plums rule my summer!
    Thanks for linking up with Grab A Friend. You got me on Bloglovin! <3
    Areeba @ Aree With Umbrella

    1. Yes! I could seriously eat and drink them every day!

      Following you in Bloglovin as well!


  3. Congratz on the baby kicks! must be fun.. not in the i want kids stadia yet :)

    I love a lot of things on your list!

    Love, The mind of an exchange

    1. Thanks! This kid has been kicking up a storm since about 16 weeks, its just that the kicks are actual kicks now and not just flutters, lol! Actually, that was probably an understatement, this kid is doing full body movements, yoga, and karate in there. I love it though and its so exciting!

      Take your time...pregnancy will take you by storm. I know it sure has for me. :-)



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Full-time Marine, wife, jewelry designer, and blogger. Creating is what I love and its what I do.