Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Baby This Week | 23 Weeks

Yep, that's right we're at grapefruit status now!

Baby's sense of movement is well developed by now, in that he or she can actually feel me move and even dance. Little one is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound.  Blood vessels in his or ler lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds baby can hear are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Baby even has fingerprints, and I guess toe prints too.  His or her skin is still translucent and wrinkled, but in the coming week fat will start to build and it will smooth out.  Ears, face, and eyes are steadily developing as well. 
Baby looks more and more like a miniature newborn this week.  The lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and tiny tooth buds are developing beneath the gums. 

Baby - Can we say movement!  This little guy or girl is a busy body.  I now feel baby moving all the time throughout the day.  Baby has moved even further up into my abdomen, with me now feeling movement under ribs.  This kid has some pretty strong jabs, something catching off guard and taking me by surprise.  I can tell that baby is getting stronger and bigger by the day.

Me - Sleepness nights!  The pregnancy insomnia has kicked in.  Normally, I'm not a big sleeper, but I usually sleep pretty rested throughout the night.  Now, not so much.  Between baby movements, having to pee, and just tossing and turning to get comfortable, my sleep has been less and less restful recently.  I have been sleepy a lot more, which is partly from the insomnia and partly from just pregnancy in general.  I'm thinking that baby is having a growth spurt and I'm really feeling the effects of it.  I've also been stuffy and sneezing this week, which could be allergies and weather change, but again with my immune system on double duty things are affecting me a lot more than usual.

Hubs - He's seeing and feeling the baby move a lot more.  Hubs is amazed every time.  He is still talking to the baby daily and telling it about life, himself, and me.  Its so cute!

Happy Bumping!




  1. So fun to see this! Such a wonderful time for you and hubs! YOu are adorable. We will check back. All the best ~ Sharon and Denise

    1. Aww, thanks so much! I couldn't begin to tell you! It is truly exciting and we feel so blessed. I post weekly, so I'll be keeping everyone updated as we progress.

      I really appreciate your sweet thoughts! Thanks again!


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Full-time Marine, wife, jewelry designer, and blogger. Creating is what I love and its what I do.