So, I have it coming up the week after next and I'm stoked, but a little nervous. I've only had a 10-week ultrasound so far and everything was good, but that was so early in the pregnancy and the baby was like the size of a bean. I will be 20w2d at this ultrasound, so the baby will be much bigger and actually look like a real baby. This will be the only other ultrasound I will have while pregnant, unless the PA sees fit for further ones. While I'd love to see my baby every few weeks until I have it, I'd prefer to not have several additional ultrasounds. With this being said, as long as baby is doing fine and growing normally, I'm good with this one being the only one until birth. It's hard to conceptualize this little being growing inside of me all on its own. Every day I wonder how it's doing and hope it's okay in there. I have no way to tell, but how I feel in my heart and mind. One reassurer is the fact that I do feel the baby move pretty regularly, so I know it's getting bigger and stronger and is active. So far, I think the baby and myself have a good bit in common. We both like food, and get fussy when we're hungry, we like to relax and sleep, and we like movies. How do I know this? Well, I go off of what I feel when baby moves and is active, and when baby's not so active. I fully expect to see baby to be moving a lot and doing some really cute and funny stuff on the screen. We don't want to find out the sex, so we have to make sure we tell them immediately that we don't want to know. If there is even a chance that we'll be able to tell from looking at the screen, then I want the tech to tell us to turn away. Hopefully, the tech will be able to get all the measurements and info they need. I've heard of some babies being so active during the scan that they couldn't get the measurements. I'm also excited to get pictures and be able to show them to family. I have the first of two showers coming up in 7 weeks, so it will be awesome to be able to show the pics at the showers. I'll be counting the days and marking my calendar as we get close to the big day, well one of the big days, lol!
Happy Bumping!
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